Today we're going to beat to death an example of a factor group. One of the most common (albeit boring) examples of a factor group is a factor group of a cyclic group. I'm going to use the cyclic group of order 6, Z6. Note that N={0,3} is a subgroup of Z6. As we will see later, N is automatically normal in Z6 because Z6 is abelian. As we learned last time, Z6/N forms a group since N⊳Z6 and it is this group that we're going to inspect. When I defined a factor group, I did it all in terms of a multiplicative group. Z6 is an additive, group, though, so it doesn't really make any sense to use multiplicative notation. Instead of writing cosets as aN, I'm going to be writing them as a+N.
By definition we have that Z6/N = {k+N : k∈Z6}. Normally, it is sufficient just to think of these abstractly, but since Z6 is finite and we are working out an example, we can write all of these out. That is, Z6/N = {0+N,1+N,2+N,3+N,4+N,5+N}. However, not all of these cosets are distinct. For instance, 1+N = {1+0,1+3} = {1,4} and 4+N = {4+0,4+3} = {4,1}, so we see that 1+N = 4+N. However, using one of the first theorems we learned about cosets, we can know when two cosets are equal without actually calculating the cosets. That is, h+N = k+N if h-k∈N. We see that 5-2=3∈N, so then 5+N = 2+N. Similarly, 0+N = 3+N. So then we get that Z6/N = {0+N,1+N,2+N}. Lets look at one example calculation, that is (1+N)+(2+N). The group operation gives us that (1+N)+(2+N) = (1+2)+N = 3+N. This is a perfectly fine calculation, but it would be nicer if we could get our answer as one of the cosets in {0+N,1+N,2+N}. As we already noted, 0+N = 3+N so we can also write (1+N)+(2+N) = 0+N. Through similar calculations we can calculate the Cayley Table of Z6/N.

There are some pretty interesting things about the Cayley Table of the factor group relative to the Cayley Table of the original group. Below is a modified Cayley table for Z6. You'll notice that the elements along the left side and the top are in a strange order and that I've seperated certain blocks of elements with black lines.

What is interesting about the particular groupings in this table is that it shows how a factor group is related to the group itself. What I did was arrange the headings along the top and along the side such that elements in the same coset are adjacent to one another. Then, by blocking off the table as above, what we've basically done is created the Cayley Table for the factor group within the Cayley Table for the original group. If you choose a coset along the side and the top, the corresponding block in the table is the corresponding coset according to the operation in the factor group. Another thing to notice about this particular factor group is that it shows pretty clearly that Z6/N is isomorphic to Z3. Indeed, if you take the Cayley table that we gave for Z6/N and remove "+N" from every entry, you get precisely the cayley table of Z3. For rigor, if φ:Z6/N→Z3 is defined by &phi:(k+N) = k mod 3 ∀k+N∈Z6/N, then you can check that φ is the desired isomorphism. Interestingly enough, if n is an integer, and k is a positive divisor of n, then Zn/<n/k> ≈ Zk.
I'm going to give one more example of a factor group. Consider D4 and β = {e,R180}. It is easy to verify that β is a subgroup of D4, but in fact β is a normal subgroup of D4. Thus, D4/β forms a factor group. The Cayley Table for this factor group is given below.

It might be useful to work your way through the calculations for that Cayley Table yourself, for practice. When you do that, keep in mind that eβ = R180β, R90β = R270β, Fhβ = Fvβ, and Flβ = Frβ (which are also some calculations you can do yourself). The most interesting thing that can be extracted from this Cayley Table is that D4/β is abelian, which is surprising since D4 is non-abelian. It is not the case, however, that all factor groups are abelian. (If you'd like an example of a non-abelian factor group, D6/<σ3> ≈ S3 which is non-abelian, but that's a pretty complicated example.)
I hope that by now we've gained some understanding of factor groups, but these normal subgroups might still be a little bit of a mystery. You'll notice that in both of the examples that I gave you, I didn't really do anything to convince you that the subgroups were normal and at this point, if I had wanted to prove it then all I could have done is calculated all of the right and left cosets and shown their equality. This is okay, but is only efficient for very small groups and is completely ineffective for arbitrary groups. Because of this, we've developed a convenient criterion to guarantee normality. I'm not sure that I've introduced the notation aHb yet, but if H⊆G and a,b∈G, then aHb = {ahb : h∈H} (which is very similar to the notation of cosets).
Theorem: Normal Subgroup Test
Let G be a group and N a subgroup of G. N⊳G if and only if ∀x∈G, xNx-1⊆N.
Let G be a group and N a subgroup of G. N⊳G if and only if ∀x∈G, xNx-1⊆N.
Suppose N⊳G. Then ∀x∈G and ∀n∈N, ∃n'∈N such that xn = n'x since xN = Nx. Thus xnx-1=n'∈N and therefore xNx-1⊆N.
Suppose that ∀x∈G, xNx-1⊆N. Choose g∈G. Then letting x=g we get gNg-1⊆N or gN⊆Ng. Conversely, letting x=g-1 we get g-1N(g-1)-1⊆N or g-1Ng⊆N so Ng⊆gN and finally gN = Ng.
This normal subgroup test is the most useful theorem that we have to show that an arbitrary group is a normal subgroup. For example, it just so happens that the center of a group is always a normal subgroup and this is very easy to prove with the normal subgroup test. Also, as it turns out, every subgroup of an abelian group is normal. The reason is easy, because if H is a subgroup of an abelian group, G, then when g∈G and h∈H, xh = hx which gives coset equality.
Theorem: Normal Subgroups of Abelian Groups
Every subgroup of an abelian group is a normal subgroup.
Every subgroup of an abelian group is a normal subgroup.
Let G be an abelian group and let H be a subgroup of G. Choose g∈G and h∈H. Since G is abelian we get that ghg-1 = hgg-1 = he = h. Thus ghg-1∈H ∀h∈H, which gives that gHg-1⊆H ∀g∈G and H⊳G by the normal subgroup test.
Next time we'll look at Lagrange's Theorem - a very important and useful result in group theory.
Previous Related Post: Factor Groups
Text Reference: Gallain Chapter 9
Wikipedia: Quotient Group
Wolfram Mathworld: Quotient Group
Planet Math: Quotient Group
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